4th of July fireworks.

The kids love holding the sparklers and waving them. I really love fireworks! We love that we live here in Idaho and get to light fireworks. It is a luxury for us since we could not light them in Arizona. My brother and his family were up here for the 4th. We had a good time with them and we did not even have a brotherly/sisterly fight. We must be growing up. Next year, we would like to go and do more festivities. We took everyone to Menan for the fireworks show. I think they are really nice ones. Heck, it beats sitting in 105 degree temps watching the fireworks. That is something that we do not miss from AZ. Even though Idaho Falls is supposed to have the best fireworks west of the Mississippi, we have yet to brave sitting in the sun for 5 years I mean hours waiting for them. I have no patience especially when it comes to keeping Lyndee and Brayden out of everyone's way.


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