That crazy full moon!

Do not get me wrong. I really like staying home with my kids this summer instead of working. Lately, they have been driving me nuts. Really nuts! If it is not the fighting, it is the whining and saying unkind things to each other. I know....welcome to motherhood and staying home full-time with my adorable kids.When they get this way, I feel like I am trapped in a tiny box and my kids are on outside beating and kicking and the only thing I can do is roll up into a ball and hope it will pass. I know some of you know that feeling especially you stay home all the time moms! :)

Even when I am teaching, my students do this but in other ways that drive me just as crazy as my kids. My students will talk too much, be fidgety, or even argue with each other at recess. My husband would just roll his eyes when I would complain of how tired I am of my students behavior. But it does pass and they are angels once again until IT happens again.

So after my walk with my good friend, I look up and lo! and behold! IT is a FULL moon. No wonder why... SO tonight, I can only hope my crazy kids will soon be healed when it does pass and I can climb out of my little box.


Normal feelings. It's tough being a mom sometimes. Hang in there.

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