First Day of School for me?

Well, I survived the first week of school. It has been 7 days in session. When is it going to end? 173 more school days until summer! I do have to say my class is WAY better this year than last. I moved out the modular this year. Now I am trailer trash. I love it. It is so quiet and people do not come in and distract me. I get things actually done. I have four windows and door to the outside. I have my own air conditioning. I am set. The only thing I wish I had.....a sink.

I have 23 students. I think I am the only one with 23 so that means I get the next new student that caused problems at his old school and parents think a change will do them good. Why do parents do that? That always happened in Phoenix. The latino parents would move students to a new school at the end of the quarter because their own child was failing. They figure it was the teacher! Don't tell anybody...but it usually is the student with no support at home.

I do love teaching! Anyone who walks in my classroom can see that. My room is supposed to be a beach theme with a hint of the islands.


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