Gotta love the fall

My beautiful fairy princess

This is my favorite time of the year. I love the colors of Fall. I love seeing the changes from summer greens to vibrant autumn colors of oranges, reds, yellows, and brown. I love the smell of pumpkins and cornstalks. How random!

I love Halloween decorations. I am putting mine out this weekend. I know it is early but hey! I love FALL. I even already bought my kids their costumes. Brayden and his cousin, Tyler are Batman or should I say BatMEN. My beautiful girl is going to be a princess fairy. We were going to have her be Batgirl but she would be too cold in it.

Who is scared of big black bat?

I was thinking about my favorite fall memory. I went back into time.....high school. Remember the dances and the crisp cool air at night. The outside games or bonfire before the game.

Here is one of my favorite fall memories.

Do you remember Sadie Hawkins...where girls ask the guy? My friends, Bobbie, Amber, and I asked our guys and decided to make dinner for them. We (I mean Amber) made chicken fried steak and I can't remember what else we made, and with added touch...fake wine. I brought fake wine (Martinelli's). Amber went Safeway (mind you the only grocer in town where her dad was manager at the time)) bought the real stuff. She thought she bought fake wine. It was strawberry wine by Boone's Hill/Farm. As I was the only non-LDS person there at the time, I told them it was the real stuff having tasted my dad's wine several times and knowing the smell....They did not believe. One of the boys started mixing the fake stuff with the real stuff. They plus me nevertheless drank it. Let's just say we were a little buzzed for Sadie Hawkins.

What is your favorite fall memory?


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