Primary program was today

Today was Brayden and Lyndee's first primary program. Last year, I admit that we stayed home due to the fact that Brayden was known for tantrums and did not like his sunbeam class as we were new to the ward and still adjusting to our life in Idaho.

This year was supposed to be different as Lyndee would be up there as a sunbeam and Brayden a CTR 5. We went to the practice and even endured practicing the songs with the kids in the van. The kids were so excited about being "higher" up than us in the chapel. We went into the chapel and even sat closer to the front (on the soft seats) as we always hide in the back so we can't be heard. Then as sacrament was passed and the little ones were called up, my little ones went so eagarly. I was elated!

Then the extremely loud crying began. I thought to myself...please do not let it be. It was.. I was so disappointed in her. I snatched her up and brought her back to sit with us with Brayden following. She calmed down after like 20 seconds and then they both went back up with smiles. Then the ear piercing crying began again.

I grabbed my crying child with the whole congregration staring. Thankfully, Brayden stayed up there with his class and sang beautifully. Lyndee, however, stayed with me for the entire program. Maybe next year will be different.........I just know it!


Andra said…
It was our Primary program today too. I am glad you found me on here. I do have a memory of you, once I went over to your house and you had a big bassett hound and you put a feather in his collar and said he could fly!
bigelow family said…
Hi Angela!! I'm so glad you found me- I've actually been wondering about you lately. They are doing some remodeling on the house you lived in so I think of you every morning I take my kids to school! Your little kids are beautiful and I'm glad you are doing so well. And I bet most of the congregation got a big kick out of your little girl today. Something to remember and tease her about when she's a teenager! Take care- glad we'll be able to keep in touch now!
susan g said…
Hey Angela, glad to connect! Your kids are beautiful! And good taste on the name Braden (however it's spelled!). Hey, I'm confused. I don't remember you being a member in high school. Do I have a bogus memory or when did you join the church? Hope all is well in Idaho!


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