Peanuts Christmas

My little man insisted on watching the Peanuts Christmas. At the end of the movie, they were singing Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. It totally brought me back to 1st ward in Eagar, AZ. I was not a member of the LDS church yet but I went on the Young Women activities with my best bud, Bobbie. I especially loved the combined activities because we were alittle boy crazy (okay, alot). Anyways, we went Christmas caroling on a back of semi-trailer sitting on hay bales freezing our bums off throughout our ward. It was the best! I really loved going out and singing Christmas carols down the street. Even though I was investigating the church, activities like that made me feel without a doubt the holy spirit. I always try to recapture the way I felt when I first investigated the church. That is when I felt most intuned with the Lord and the spirit. I have yet to do that here in Idaho. But I am trying....


bigelow family said…
And I thought my ward was the only one doing the freezing/caroling thing!!

Is that the Peanuts cartoon where Linus goes on the stage and recites the Christmas story? A couple years ago I was going through a really rough patch, and when that Christmas special came on tv, that one little part did so much for my spirit! Hang in there- I don't know why we all go through spiritual valleys. They're pretty miserable, and hopefully things will get better soon!! I love peeking in on you and your family! I want to know your adoption story!

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