TriCk Or TrEaTiN' FuN

The start of the trick or treatin' fun

You can't catch me! Neener Neener Neener!

I'm ready to go home!

We live in a fairly new subdivision. Not all the houses are built yet. The houses are too far spread apart as we are all on acre lots. We trick or treated in our subdivision. Then we drove two miles to my friend Shannon's neighborhood and let the kids loose (not too loose). We walked and the kids stopped at almost every house.

We did confiscate their buckets. Clay and I picked out our favorite chocolate pieces when they weren't looking. The remaining stash will soon disappear to my classroom jar.

Lyndee did not know who daddy was. (Just kidding, Clay)She was entranced by that handsome fellow on the right...I mean the left. Sorry, Clay.


Aussie Sue said…
HI!!! I remember you - yes I did room with Corinna and Lynn, but forgive me, I can't remember your name - and I've looked all over your are things going? It looks like fun in Idaho.. when did you move there? I just barely found Annette - she's on my blog too.... talk soon. ♥

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