Pulling together

Today was another Sunday and another struggle for our little fam. We were reluctant to go because of the weather and exhaustion. My son did not want to go to church and that really upset me. We were having a real rough morning of screaming and stomping. Ever experience that? I am sure I am not alone. Anyways, I felt as we were being pulled to church for some reason. (Maybe for us to hear that we need to be praying as family, reading scriptures, and attending the temple). After a screaming trip to the church, I put Lyndee in her class bribing her with a piece of gum. Giving Brayden extra loves, retying his shoes, and bribing him with gum helped him get to his class. May I say how I dislike sacrament last? I was sitting in Relief Society and the sister teaching the lesson calls on me to read out of the blue. She awoke me from my deep thoughts of my bad morning and this is part of what I read...

...........This was one of many times when the Saints would pull together, heeding the admonition of the Prophet Joseph Smith: “A long pull, a strong pull, and a pull all together.

I teared up thinking this is exactly what I needed and I realized why I needed to be in church to hear this and feel what I feel. I know it is not going to be easy. It might be a long process, and if my family and I pull together in unity we can be a stronger family.


Missy said…
Funny how that works huh? I miss going to Relief Society sometimes. *sigh*
FYI- next year church is 9:30, with Sacrament first!! Lots of mommies saying yippee to that.
This too shall pass.

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