
Today was such a frustrating day in sacrament. We were rushing out the door and I forgot the bag of goodies. Ya know...the books, crayons, coloring pages, lacing up cards. We made it only to the passing of the sacrament. They and (my patience) got the best of me and we left. Sometimes I wonder why we even bother going..Then on the way to school Brayden tells me all about the birth of Jesus Christ or how he was baptized. This makes me feel so proud of him inside that those frustrating days become a distant memory.


bigelow family said…
I was just thinking I'd tell you it gets easier, but once I finished with wrestling the little kids, now it's the teens and preteens that make sacrament meeting so fun with their "sundayitis" and sweet little attitudes :-) You're right, all we can do is hope something is sinking in somewhere, for them and for us!

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