Rough beginning this week
Monday did not start too well for me. Everything was going great. I was teaching my students about verbs and I got "the" call. Lyndee is throwing up at her day care provider. I felt so bad for the poor thing thinking in the back of my mind I should not have given her the strawberry milk. I was happy that I was able to get a sub and go home to tend my lovelies.

When we got home and after her long bath, I told Lyndee that this bowl is her new best friend. Never part from it.
My son came home as well. He was okay with missing preschool that day. (Any chance to lounge around in pj's all day with mom and sis.)
When we got home and after her long bath, I told Lyndee that this bowl is her new best friend. Never part from it.
My son came home as well. He was okay with missing preschool that day. (Any chance to lounge around in pj's all day with mom and sis.)