Do you know what a code ADAM is?

You might hear this at Walmart when a child is lost! Yep, I am one of those parents who lost their child in the store. Kinda pathetic, right? We decided to go as family and do some grocery shopping. Let me say this was the last time as a family for quite awhile. For the past couple months, we've been transitioning Lyndee to walk along the side of us and stay near us. You can see where this is going, right? Tonight, as Clayton and I were picking out pizza, Lyndee turned around bolted and ran away from us. She ran from the frozen food section all the way to automotive. I have never experienced so much panic in all my life. I am going up and down the aisles calling her name and holding back my tears. I am just thinking the worst and what might happen if she was kidnapped. Very stressful situation. Overhead in the intercom,"We have a lost child, blonde, 4 years old, and wearing pink. This is code Adam." Then someone was bringing here to the fitting rooms. I don't know if I thanked her as I was so relieved that she was found. The lady said that Lyndee walked right up to her and said, "I can't find my mommy." I am actually surprised as she has a speech issues and mental issues. Let's say that Lyndee went straight to her room for the rest of the evening. Me, I am downstairs wishing for the rest of this day to hurry up and finish.


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