Funny thing

I get home from visiting teaching and Brayden has this huge Cheshire cat grin on his face. He has been really infatuated with saying how big he is going to be when he grows up and how he wants to grow. He takes his shirt off and says, "Mommy, I want to show you were I am growing." He points to his underarm. I am like how do you know if you are growing there. He said I have hair under here. I looked and I thought to myself, "No way!" He is too young for hairy underarms. It totally looked like hair. I want my boy to stay young!! So I said it is just dirt and he said, "No mommy!" Even Clay thought his little boy is turning into a man. I looked really closer. Dry skin. He used to have eczema on his legs and now it traveled to under his arms. Yeah! I said to him, "Sorry, honey, but you are not going to grow there for a couple more years." We put lotion under his arms and had a good laugh.


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