Tada!!! Sprouted Wheat Bread
Can you believe it took less than a half an hour to raise?
This is what we will be having with freshly churned butter from our beloved cows. (just kidding) Man, I wished I had some more of my strawberry freezer jam that I made a couple of months ago.
In my old ward in Arizona, they really pushed ordering dry pack. I felt pressured into buying wheat, wheat, and refried beans? Anyways, I am really glad that I did invent some money into it. I have been able to use my flour, dehydrated apples, and sugar. And I used almost one can of wheat. Whoo hoo! In Mesa, one awesome lady showed us how easy it is to make sprouted wheat bread. This was the only bread that I could get to rise when I lived in Mesa. As you can see from the pics, it rises here too. I love living in a higher elevation.
Now, any suggestions on what to make next with my wheat?
***If you want the recipe, let me know and I will have to photocopy it as it is lengthy.
If you want a loaf of this awesomeness and you live close by, BE the first to comment and I will bring a loaf to you for you to enjoy.
That is one beautiful loaf of bread! Well done.
- bradfieldfamily@gmail.com