1st day of preschool

Lyndee's first day of preschool was this week. She is going out to my school for it twice a week on the little yellow bus. She did quite well for her first week. I was actually surprised because she walked with her class in. I really have not seen her walk nice unless I prod her at church to walk reverently and fold her arms. I went during my recesses to go and check on her and see if she was "on task" and behaving. I think she works really well with small groups and total structure. Love it!


Unknown said…
I didn't know you had a blog! Awesome!! I am so much more into blogging than facebooking. Except lately I haven't kept up on my blog very well. Do you want to do the couponing class too? There is a girl in our new ward that kinda wants to do the class. I am honestly indifferent. The class is $35 and includes 1 month of the newsletter. Send me your email and you I'll forward you the info I got from the girl in IF. My email is shatzi@ida.net. YEAH! I'm glad I'm not the only crazy person who want to start couponing!

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