Don't we just love the small accomplishments in our young little ones. Yep, that is right! Brayden can officially zipper his own coat. He is ready for kindergarten!
Sorry no pictures. I have been so busy this week to a point where I am sure to have a nervous breakdown. First, I have a student teacher in my room over the next 10 weeks. I thought it would be a welcome relief to give her things to teach but I am more exhausted and it is tiring work. Then grades had to be put in and it was down over the Christmas break so I had a huge pile to get in. Parent teacher conferences were on Thursday. I didn't meet with alot. I met with most of my students' parents. The one that I wanted to talk to of course didn't show. My own children are doing great in class. Brayden is started to read more and more each day. He is reading near the end of his grade level. Lyndee knows all of her alphabet and sounds. They finally let her check out a library book. Yippee! Sometimes I wish that they would treat Kindergarten with more rigor toward the middle of the year to get them ready for first. Just my opinion. My house is feeling very neglected and wil...
On Wednesday, our last day in the land of the heat. We went to the Mesa Southwest Museum. I guess it is call the Museum of Natural History. In all my years living in the valley and in Eagar, we never went to this museum. It rocked! I wished that I could take my students there. This room was all black with flourescent lighting. The kids could write on those white board with light wands. Whatever the kids wrote would be gone in about 20-30 seconds. It was pretty cool. I loved the interactive the stuff. I have been wanting to do this for years with my classroom. I have wanted them to create their plays. Then act them out in front of a green screen and then use a computer program to put their scenery in. I think I am going to find a grant and write one! Sister Lou loved being on T.V. We would couldn't drag this little starlet off it. Isn't this cute? They got behind the TV and now they are projected into an old western. They had a part of the old territorial prison in th...
This past Sunday, we went up Kelly Canyon and picked to our hearts' content (well just a couple of hours). I was so amazed how close to the road they were. This was our first adventure in the woods here in Idaho. We were able to find unpicked over patches of these awesome berries. We were able to pick about 6 cups for free. The kids were able to help us and they had a cool time exploring the woods near us. Here are my battle wounds. Purple fingers. I search the whole forest over for the ripest hucks! We put my visiting mother to work! She did fab and kept Lyndee working. Clayton enjoyed being out in the forest. It was like medicine! Nice and refreshing. The kids were so excited to have free reign. They were able to see all types of plants. I think we might go again this weekend after church...No ditching for us here.