Mmm. good

When it is this kind of weather, we like to hunker down in our basement and eat some good old......

homemade chicken noodle soup

big cookpot
1 rotiesserie chicken
baby carrots (cut in half)
celery (cut in bite size pieces)
chicken buillion powder (I use the Mexican stuff..caldo de pollo by knorr)
2 garlic cloves minced

country pasta noodles

I used the chicken from Sam's Club as it is less expensive. Debone the chicken and put in with alot of water in your cookpot. Then add carrots, celery, onions. Bring to boil. Add chicken buillion by the teaspoon until you get the flavor you like. Pu other seasonings in such as minced garlic. Cook as long as it takes to have the carrots and celery cooked but not soft.

I learned this from Rachael Ray to cook the noodles separate. I do this because I like leftovers but I do not like mushy noodles. Cook the noodles separate. Then when they are finished, put as much noodles as you want in your own soup bowl and then add the soup. Yum!

Freeze leftover soup.


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