For sale: Extra snow that won't leave!!

Clayton put our summer chairs out on our porch in hopes of an early Spring. I was kind of surprised at how WAY too early it is for that kind of wishful thinking. This is what's left of winter except for the north side of our house. I guess when it snows tomorrow we can sit there and watch. (Shhh...I know I still have some Christmas ornaments hanging from the tree).

Then on the south part of house, a little bit of hope has broken through. My crocuses that my dad planted last last year arrived in their purple glory. After I saw these, I searched for any sign of precious tulips and irises. No such luck!

Then my children felt the need to jump and dragged me along with them. So I put the safety net up and this is the result. I got to admit I love jumping with them. (And no...I was not injured nor did I split my pants in the rear)


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