Awesome Storm Last Night

When you live in the desert of Arizona, anything beats sunny and 100 something degrees every single day in the summer. The wall of dust that sometimes comes from the east brings the torrential downpours, the wind, the phenomenal lightning, and thunder. That is what a monsoon is all about.

Since we are in Idaho, we got a nice taste of a monsoon wannabee. Clay and I watched the storm and the weather reports on Channel 8, wondering if we might see a tornado and have to scurry down to our basement.
My kids were downstairs watching Aloha Scooby. I dragged them up to show them the storm coming on and the angry huge clouds that were rapidly approaching our community from our deck. Then we see our garbage can fly into our backyard. Clay went and retrieved it and brought it the garage. Just missing us, our basketball standard blew over. As I was trying to open the garage with our secret code, my shirt blew up. Hopefully not scarring the neighbors for life..sorry neighbors. I successfully opened it. I went back to our front door and Lyndee and Brayd locked me out because they were frightened of the storm coming. We went thru the garage for protection and our son let us in. Thanks Brayden!

They went back down to continue their cartoon. Lyndee was not scared of the storm that was passing. Brayden was little frightened of the lightning. Buckets of rain were leaking through my french doors as the wind and water came from the west. I hate those doors and if I had $1200 I would replace it so now we have to suffer and mop of the wet.

After the storm had passed, we went outside to see the damage that it left. My garden is not totally in ruins. I will need to replant some corn. We will have to see about the rest when the sun comes out and cheers them up. Atleast I do not have to water my back yard today. Bring on some sun to grow our grass in our back back yard. Yeah!

This strange cloud was seen southeast of my house. It kept puffing up with white wonderfulness. Brayden and I thought it looked like Santa's beard.



Cheryl said…
That was a crazy storm, and it came on so sudden! I thought it might turn into a twister also, and I'm glad it didn't!!

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