FathEr'S daY

We were thinking of not attending church on Father's Day because Lyn had a some type of reaction in her eyes and one of them was really irritated. We fed her Claritin and did allergy drops in her eyes and if she looked fine we would go to church. Well, we went to church. Then on the way, I said let's forget the whole man dinner and just go and have a picnic up Kelly Canyon. We looked toward the mountains and omninous clouds were tempting to pour rain. So we kept on with our original plan. We had Clay's man meal: country fried steak (not really fried) with "real" mashed potatoes and milk gravy. Then I whipped up some chewy bars. I told Clay that we were going to hold family home evening tonight so we used the FHE packet that Amy made. I had Clay put on the tie...SO cute!! (We didn't use it last year because well I forgot all about it)


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