My Sweet Girl...

This is my little sunshine. She is the happiest girl EVER! If you know her, you will know that she is unique and not like most girls. Nothing phases her. She is always giggling, smiling, and just plain happy. She has never really been sad or upset. She has always been happy even when she was a baby. Since Brayden has taken to the neighborhood boys, we hardly see him during the day. That leaves me and Lyndee alone together and so we are bound to be inseparable this summer. I am glad because that gives her and I girl bonding time that we have never had.

She is such a good little helper. Lyn loves helping me pull the weeds because she likes it when I find worms for her to hold and look at. She calls them her friends or "wormy worms". Today I caught a baby worm for her. She wanted to bring it into the house. She was so sweet about it but was okay with putting it back into the earth. She of course uses her Dora the Explorer gardening gloves when she holds her little friends. She wears those gloves ALL day long along with her Hello Kitty slippers.


She is such a cutie and has grown so much!!! It's fun to be able to spend some one on one time with your kids! It looks like you guys have been enjoying your summer break!! Oh, and I love and am so excited for your spare bedroom!!! YAY!!

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