Pancake Frenzy
My son's new phrase after eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner is "Mommy, I'm hungry!" Of course, the next phrase that comes out of my mouth is "You just ate!" I wonder to myself am I feeding this boy enough? I informed him and his sister that I will make them breakfast. I asked, "Do you want french toast or pancakes?" "Pancakes!" They screamed with delight.
I discovered that it is cheaper to me if I make pancakes from scratch. No, I do not use wheat flour yet and I doubt I ever will use it for pancakes. I did not feel like making my usual pancakes and found a recipe online. However, it was a partial recipe so I had to had some liquid and then some extra stuff for flavor. It produced yummy pancakes.
Now in our house, the smell of pancakes and syrup brings out my furry creatures that also reside here. In the picture below, they are creeping up to me and the leftover pancakes.
We saw this huge rainbow in front of our home two nights ago. We wondered if the house it landed on was full with gold.
So here is the recipe for the pancakes.
1 1/2 cup flour
1/4 cup sugar
1 teas baking powder (heaping)
1 teas baking soda
(I sifted the first four ingredients together)
1/4 cup oil
1 egg
So where is the liquid? I added milk until I got the consistency that I liked. You can start with a cup of milk and work from there. Then I added a splash of mexican vanilla and a couple dashes of cinnamon. I mixed it all up...Then they were ready to go! They made about 8 huge pancakes. If you thin it more with milk, you will probably get more. Enjoy!