Reminiscing (going thru old photos of kids)

I was looking for a disc to load a progam and came across a disc with some older pics of the kids on it.We don't use babysitters much and we don't get out. We haven't been to the temple since living in Arizona. This picture below will show you how my babysitter did not watch my kids. They got into the Vick's Vaporub and smeared it all in their hair. Now this picture is almost 3 years old.

What do you think I used to get it out? Let see, I tried Dawn (cause you know it cuts through grease), cornstarch (I figured it would soak up the grease), baking soda, adult shampoo, peanut butter, pet shampoo. I think when I used baby worked. It took about 3-4 days for their hair to get back to normal. When Lyn and Brayd went to daycare the next day, they played in the sand and it just stuck to their hair like a magnet. Hilarious!

Ya, Brayd got into my makeup. That was on my watch, I think.

For the longest time, anytime when we would take Brayd's pic, he would squat down like this. So adorable especially in ASU colors.
See what I mean?

I let him bring that into the house because it was too hot to play outside. We had saltillo tile in the family room/kitchen anyways. They were nicely together.

Isn't she a cutie?

I swear that alot of my summer pics are with the kids in their undies. Plus in the summer it was sooo hot. What a way to stay cool!


They are so darn cute. You are a blessed momma.
Cheryl said…
Cutie Patooties! And you're a great mom! It was fun at the park today, Whitney had fun playing with Lyndee.

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