Cherries Overload

So...I decided to go ahead and get 30 pounds of bing cherries last week not realizing what a task it was to de-stem and pit those little suckers. It took a full day to do that. Good thing I bought this handy cherry stoner. I know what your thinking cherries do splatter. I did not realize this until there was cherry spots on the floor and on everything else. So you ask what am I going to do with them? No clue..but here is what I ended up with...8 cups of pureed cherries to equal 2 trays of fruit leather (which was not alot), 3 quart size bags of dehydrated whole cherries, and then 10 1/2 quart size bags which equals 42 cups. With all these cherries, you know what that means...we will need to make a "pit" stop to get more toilet paper.


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