Zucchini Casserole

Ya know I feel like such an accomplished farmer when I can grow one of the easiest plants...Zucchini. So tonight in honor of the many zucchinis we will be harvesting over the next month, we had zucchini casserole. And it was darn good! The kids ate most of what was on their plate even Lyndee.

2 cups of diced zucchini (small cubes, please if they are too big..kids will not eat)
1 small can whole corn, drained
1 small can diced green chiles (we used hot because that is what we had..next time..mild for the kids)
1 small onion diced
1 clove of garlic..(we used two)
2/3 cups grated cheese
1 pound of ground beef (we don't eat beef so ground turkey was yummers!)
1 can of tomato sauce

Brown the meat and mix it all together. We topped it with alittle extra cheese. Put in baking dish and bake at 350 for about a 1/2 hour or until done. Then we topped it with our Macayo's taco sauce (can be bought at Fry's) but you can use salsa if you want.


Cheryl said…
Looks yummy! I'll have to try it out!
Unknown said…
Yum! I always need a good zucchini recipe. Last year I planted 2 plants and couldn't get rid of all the zucchini fast enough. This year I accidentally planted FOUR plants!!! (long story). So, I'm pretty sure we are living off a full zucchini diet for the rest of the summer. =)

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