Cherry Lemonade Concentrate

My Cherry Lemonade Concentrate!!!!


I am new to this canning thing. I know that this is something that I want to do so I can have some sense of ease when we may be low on cash or too lazy to go to store in the winter months. My best friend's sister is a master canner and she gave me some recipes and know how. She gave me this idea from her blog.
This recipe is actually for strawberry lemonade but I had mucho cherries in my freezer from my latest purchase. I was tempted to use my precious raspberries but made raspberry freezer jam instead. I think I might do this again with lime juice instead.
Here is the recipe:
6 cups hulled strawberries (I used 8 cups of cherries and then I used my colander to strain it but...there is still pulp and it is not too bad)
4 cups freshly squeezed lemon juice (used a 32oz bottle of lemon juice)
6 cups granulated sugar
1. Wash & dry canner, jars, lids, and kitchen tools.
2. In two batches, puree strawberries in blender until smooth. (I used my food processer and it was awesome!!!) Put strawberries into a large stainless steel pot. Add lemon juice & sugar, stirring until mixed well. Over medium high heat, heat to 165-180 degrees, stirring occasionally. Do not boil. Once temp has been reached, remove from heat & skim off foam.
3. Ladle into jars with 1/4 inch headspace. Wipe off jar rims and place lids and rings onto each jar.
4. Process jars in water bath canner for 15 minutes (adjust for altitude..I went 25 minutes). Remove cover and let rest five minutes before removing to water to cool. After cooling (roughly 12-24 hours) bands can be removed and jars tucked away in a cupboard for safekeeping. I did about 6-7 pint jars.
To Reconstitute:Add to cold water, sprite, 7up, tonic water, or gingerale. Adjust concentrate to taste, if necessary. Add ice cubes and enjoy.

I added a couple of tablespoons to each glass and then poured the yummy 7up. Kids and hubbers is the deal. If you live my area (Idaho) and you are the first to comment, I will give you a jar of this goodness.


Cheryl said…
Am I the first to comment? Sounds really good, I'm very impressed! Maybe you'll have to help me out when I try to can sometime! ;)
Bummer!! I tried to be 1st!! But it sure does look yummy!! You are so talented Angie!!! Hey, when's the dreaded day to go back to work???? We NEED another BUNCO night!!!
That looks great! Is there going to be any left when I get out there? :)

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