Yes..Homemade Laundry Soap

I am so sick of purchasing Tide. Even though I have only two kids, I get alot of clothes and bedding since they still occasionally not make it all night dry. That equals alot of wash. I surfed the internet for this stuff. I came across and really easy recipe that can be done with several items only. Since I live in Idaho, I was able to get my Borax at Walmart. It was inexpensive..I don't remember how much it was. The Arm and Hammer washing soda I purchased at Broulim's in Rexburg for $3.19. The soap I used from my cupboard was Lever 2000. Then I went to Cal Ranch and got a bucket for around $5.50. I used this laundry soap for the past couple of weeks. It does not sud so I can use it in my high efficiency machine. It made my blankets, towels, and sheets softer. We did not break out at all and we are doing fine....I got the recipe from this "blog". I do not know this person but came across it when I was searching for recipes.
I used my standing cheese grater to grate a bar of soap.

Then I added water and melted the soap under med low heat. Be advised. This step will make your house smell like soap..of course.

Poured it in here and added the borax and washing soda. Then filled it with water to the top.

I let it sit overnight. It did make one massive gel glob. That picture is missing..I accidentally deleted it when I was writing this entry. When I stirred it, it looked like an egg noodle soup mixture. I scooped some into my small handy container (above) that I can sit by my washer. I fill the goop half way in my container and then put water in it to dilute it a bit. I used a measuring cup to put it into my washer.


I have been wanting to try home made laudry soap. Here is another one for to try.
Missy said…
hmmm, wonder if I am brave enough to try making my own. Could be fun at least.
Lacey T said…
Hi! I actually came across your blog from the tracker I have on mine. I'm the one that had the recipe for the homemade laundry detergent. I'm excited to see that you made your soap and are liking it! I've been using it all year and love it!

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