This is the view from my door. I really dont have two whiteboards. The one on the right is my smartboard. It is my baby and I use it every day. A smartboard is an interactive whiteboard that is hooked up to my computer. Instead of a mouse, I can tap my board.

This is my reading area. The chairs look familiar? They used to be on my front porch in the summer. My library has three book shelves with books in baskets by whether they are A.R. or not. A.R is a program that provides comprehension questions to books read. Even though you can't tell, I have about 400 books in my library almost as much as our school library..Well..not really.

This is where my lovelies hand in their work. Do you love my window treatments? I made those myself...I cut the grass out back, dried it, and hot glued fake flowers on them. Do you believe me? Okay...I lied but it sounded good.

This is my desk. I gave my huge monster 70's teacher desk back and I just use my computer desk. This is the thinking and planning area. All my curriculum and supplemental materials are on the shelves. Notice my Sun Devil flag! Okay..,I am geek.

This is the view from my desk area. That's my cupboard system and the kids hang their stuff over there in the corner. They have buckets to hold all of their school crap..I mean supplies. I can't use my fridge (gotta save money the school district says) so you just see my lonely microwave back there by the sink. Maybe I will burn popcorn all year in revolt! Just kidding or not...

Here is a close up of my smartboard with its speakers. The table with the flowery fabric is the kid's show and tell table. They put their glorious stuff on show for a week whilst they are my shining star of the week. Everyone gets a turn shiny or not.

LAST....Oh...I saved this for last...Snicker if you must...I have to wear this beautiful neon green (or yellow) smock thingy along with a radio (Breaker breaker good buddy This is Rosco P. Cotrane I say in the radio...) when I have recess duty and bus duty..I am the protector and I am in charge..Darn it!!
Now you have seen the other side to my life..Welcome and Ya'll come back now ya hear!
