Brayden's 6th birthday party

Yup...those are hands in Brayd's spooky Halloween black punch. It is orange and grape koolaid with water and ginger ale and.... an icy hand.  Then I used ice cubes that were for water bottles and stuck a gummy worm in them..Kids got a kick out of that.

Kids got to decorate their own pumpkins..I mean cupcakes.  I had the kids sanitize their hands...ya know with all those nasty germs out there.

Ping Pong Pumpkin:..this game did not go so well. You bounce the balls into the pumpkins and cups. I could not manage this well because...I lost my voice and had a hard time explaining this.

Blind were blindfolded and had 30 seconds to put them into the other bowl with a spatula.

Before cupcakes, the kids decorated a foamy pumpkin with foam stickers that I had from last year and never used in my classroom.

Then after that. I had the kids run around outside playing vampire and werewolf tag. They enjoyed  it and atleast I hope that they did. It was exhausting...I had 9 boys at the beginning and 11 boys at the end. Most of the kids were from Brayd's kindergarten class, one from his primary class, and the rest..the neighborhood boys. is over and we are exhausted and I still have no voice.


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