
This is what $7.00 brought us on Friday night. Fantasy Lights at the Bay at Willard Bay north of Ogden with 33 temps and a heater inside our car. 

Good thing I packed our coats and mittens. We were in a horse drawn wagon and I was too chicken to take a picture of the wagon with horses because they were alittle skittish that night. So here is a picture of one of the lights.

Ya..I dont remember what that was.

Guess what she wanted for Christmas? No clue she kept whispering in his ear and looking at us. I think she was saying "everything" or "a candy cane". She had a good time.

What did B ask for? He did not know. He wanted to see if he was the "real" Santa. So Santa had B look at his hands to see if they were real. Then he did not know what he wanted either.
$7.00 dollars brought us a horse wagon ride, drive thru the park, and Santa with NO lines. Worth it for me!


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