Gobble that!

Hey Mom! Look at my turkey. Not burned! Oh ya! Here is our Thanksgiving turkey. It was really good and moist. The leftover turkey sandwiches on a roll are yummy!

Here is our partially set table. I used only finest china that I have. I actually remembered that I bought the chargers a couple years and and I actually used them. (the gold monster plates under the china for you men that are clueless).

AFTER DINNER and PIE, we decorate for Christmas.

The annual decorating their own tree event!!

This is our little tradition. When we were married, we had a couple ornaments and some of the decorations from our wedding reception trees to put on our tree. Every year the kids pick out an ornament or two to put on their trees on the main floor. Then when they get married, they can take their ornaments with them.


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