My little moments

I love my little moments of quiet when I can watch them peacefully dream.

My son Brayden has always had a creative imagination. We have to be careful to what we watch because he freaks out and gets scared very easily. Clay was watching the new show V and Brayden was downstairs with him playing with his new cars. I tell him that he needs to come to bed. He grabs my leg and holds on tight all the way up the stairs and tells me he is scared. Then I can't leave his side when he uses the restroom. I tuck him in and he covers his head with the blankets. I have to burrow his face out so he can breathe. That is what you see above.

Lyndee is such a little cutie! She loves the color pink. Under neath the fleece throw is pinkness. She said she did not want black on her bed and I told her that she needed to be warm so this is it! Her room is the coldest and I feel for her. My little one does not sleep a full deep sleep at night enough as it is. Very light sleeper! .I told my husband that I don't want these times to end. I love my children but I want more. Before we moved, our plan was to adopt 4 kids and then move. With the way housing was in Arizona, the time had to be done. So we left to come here to Idaho, I can't shake the feeling that we have two little ones out there that need our home. So thus begins the once a week classes to do fostadopt thru the state when the next bunch of classes begin or spring.


Missy said…
Those 2 still out there will be lucky little kids to get to come to your family. Good luck with the classes and all else involved.
Cheryl said…
Gotta go with those promptings! That would be a a great blessing to those children!

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