Pumpkin dip and that is all

Sorry no pics today, but imagine an orange-like baby food you have seen and you will imagine this pumpkin dip.

Pumpkin Dip

2 cups powdered sugar
1 8oz pkg of cream cheese
15 oz can of pumpkin filling
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ginger
* needs more spice (maybe some nutmeg)

Cream the sugar and the cream cheese until smooth. Then add the rest and mix. Chill for 8 hours. Serve with apple or pear slices and some ginger snaps.

I made this for our munchie day at work. I am not a fan of pumpkin but it sounded interesting. It needed some more spice. It made a nice size med bowlful of orange like baby poop, I mean goop.  It was more than half way gone when I disposed of it after my kids devoured some of it as well.   If you are pumpkin fan, this is good appetizer.

No new news here in the land of Ingram. We are all healthy and warm.

I have nothing to really write about. My life has been boring these past two weeks. I have been a little lonely but this time I don't mind. I had to show the teachers my techno gadgets that I have in my classroom since I am the tech fellow. Glazed over eyes left my room that day.  I dyed my hair back to the original color before gray overtook my head. Yup no highlights for me for awhile. Went to a new person and I will go back. She listened to what I wanted. The kids have been cooped up inside due to the chillier weather and I love it except the noise and bickering.


Unknown said…
Pumpkin dip with ginger snaps sounds so yummy. I may have to try it!

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