Birthday Number Five for Sister Girl

Behold!!! My giant cupcake cake for sister girl! This was hit with my kids. My mom got me the cupcake pan from Wilton for a Christmas present. This cake is made with 1 1/2 boxes of strawberry cake mix. I used only one can of frosting. I colored it green. I was going to do pink but I had no red food coloring. Oh well. It turned out fabulous.  The middle is a strawberry filling between the top and bottom.

Mom (me): What would you like for your birthday dinner?
Daughter: Candles
Mom again: What would you like for your dinner on your birthday?
Daughter: Cake
Mom again: Would you like pizza?
Daughter: Cake

So we had mini pepporini pizza on english muffins. I love the pizza sauce over at Yumarama!!

We sang Happy Birthday day to our little one and then she went in for the kill and blew out all the candles.

We still had half a cake leftover for tomorrow's dinner. It was so stinkin cute.

Birthday girl opening her presents from her sweet grandmas. She had a such a nice day playing inside and outside (only for alittle bit until her hands were cold).


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