Christmas Eve

We had a nice Christmas eve. Husband read out of the Bible about the birth of Jesus. Our son had a sticker sheet of wisemen, baby Jesus, the stable, and Mary and Joseph. As dad read, we put the stickers on construction paper and discussed the birth and how the wise men brought gifts to the new baby Jesus. We then told them why we have gifts at Christmas time. I think they understood pretty good. Then we let them open one gift on Christmas eve. New Jammies!!!

Then we fed the reindeer with our special reindeer food. We placed cookies (decorated by the kids) and milk out for Santa.I heard they were yummy. Then we snuggled down in the basement and watched the Polar Express. We've seen it many times but it is so heartwarming to hear my son sing the words to some of the songs. What a nice way we spend our evening!


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