Easy Playdough Recipe
I made some glitter playdough for my daughter's birthday party. I was amazed at how easy it was to make and I wished that I would have found it sooner. I was going to make some for each of my students but I just don't have to time or energy
4 C all purpose flour
2 C non-iodized salt (not sure what that is but I used sea salt)
4 C water (add your food coloring to the water before you add it to the flour)
8 tsp cream of tartar
4 tbsp cooking oilCook and stir on med-low. Stirring while it heats up. Careful not to burn. When it is a big glob (meaning you cant stir it anymore)), put it on your counter. Then start kneading glitter in as you knead the dough. The more you knead the softer it gets. Put it in a sealed container when finished. It made 9 good size sandwich baggies.
Email me and let me know if you tried it! It was freaking awesome.

Until what forms? I think I will have to give this a try. Mine would love it.