A day in the life of a teacher

I am a busy wife, mother, and teacher during the school year. I decided to put what I do out for you. Some of you might be thankful to be a stay at home , or think I am crazy to work and raise a family.  Me, I love all my jobs. I would go nuts staying home all day as I do in the summer. I swear that I have ADD and can't sit still. Plus  I get to see my son at work (I can peek into his class) and next year I will have my daughter there. I get to see who his friends are and meet them. I see which teachers my children would benefit from and my mind learns new things each day. I enjoy trying to put creative touches on things that I do in the classroom.

So here is my usual day.
5:45: My day has begun (shower and all that stuff)
6:30-7:00 Fix lunches and breakfast for us all
7:00-7:15 Kids get dressed
7:15 Leave for school (must drop daughter off first at daycare)
7:45 Arrive at school
7:45-8:10 Get things ready for the day. Emergency photocopying, mental prepareness, help other teachers with smartboard problems
8:10-8:30 Get students ready for the day. Nag them to have pencils sharpened, homework handed in, bathroom breaks
8:30-8:45 Take attendance and lunch count/ gather kids to math morning meeting
8:45-10:30 Teach reading, grammar, spelling, phonics, and sometimes writing
10:30-10:40 Yay a break! Recess. (Mondays no break for me out with students watching them)
10:40-11:05 Math Intervention or A.R. (mostly math review)
11:05-11:50 Teach Math (my least fave)
11:50-12:30 LUNCH (sometimes I eat in my room alone, with students at the VIP (what is that?) table, or in the lounge)
12:30-12:45 Story time (right now...Tales of Despereaux)
12:45-1:30 Social studies (my students leave and go to other classes while I teach this to others)
1:30-2:00 Reading Intervention or head to computer lab for intervention on computers
2:00-2:25 Teach grammar or writing (whatever I did not get to in the morning)
2:30 THEY leave...yay
2:25-3:45 Get ready for the next day, attend meetings, lesson plans, photocopying
3:45 GO home

4:05 Greet family, check email, play with kids
4:05-5:30 Prepare dinner,throw load of laundry in, eat dinner, watch Icarly with kids
5:30-6:00 Veg
6:00-6:30 Bath time (either me or the kids)
6:30-7:05 Story time with kids, go over sounds, word cards with kids, and help son finish any homework.
7:10 Daughter goes to bed (say prayers and give kisses)
7:10-7:45 Surf internet, watch T.V, grade papers, email, lesson plans
7:45 Son goes to bed (say prayers, and give kisses)
7:45-9:00 Call family, watch DVR shows from previous week, chat with husband. RELAX
9 or 10 BED

Call me crazy but I get to get up and do it all over again all week long.


Unknown said…
That's amazing!!! You are one busy woman! I've been thinking about going into teaching quite a bit lately. It's good to know what I'd be getting myself into. =)
Also, as per your last post, I have a book called Frozen Assets you are welcome to borrow. It's got all kinds of recipes to freeze. It's one of those cook for a day eat for a month kind of books. I've done it a couple of times, but I don't follow it exactly. I just make a bunch of meals to freeze and then pull them out on days I'm too tired or overwhelmed to cook.

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