Meal Planning episode 1
Last week during my cloud of sickness, I saw on the news about a mom of four in TX that planned her meals for the entire year. I thought to myself, "I want to do that!" How hard could it really be! Here is the link on ABC news about her. She also included her 2009 menu. So now I am thinking about doing this. It would save me alot of time and I can plan ahead for anything that goes on sale. Last week, I planned for two weeks. I need to make it look pretty before I post it. I don't think I could do a whole year but I can start out small. I
In Arizona, I had a whole month of food prepared. Grant it that I went to My Girlfiend's Kitchen and paid for an entire month of food and had it stored in my freezer. That WAS when I had money. Now 2 years later and major paycut to live here in country, I need to simplify and cook my own meals. I am going to start doing some freezer meals and long term menu planning. Hope to share soon (not the food just my brain)!
In Arizona, I had a whole month of food prepared. Grant it that I went to My Girlfiend's Kitchen and paid for an entire month of food and had it stored in my freezer. That WAS when I had money. Now 2 years later and major paycut to live here in country, I need to simplify and cook my own meals. I am going to start doing some freezer meals and long term menu planning. Hope to share soon (not the food just my brain)!
I don't know how you have time to do what you do! You always have big projects going on. I never had time to do anything extra when I was teaching, let alone plan meals out for weeks in advance. But good luck, I hope it works well for you!