Resolutions for me...

Alrighty....I have been thinking about my resolutions last year. I can't remember them. I am sure I wrote them down but I don't feel like looking for them.I know that I did gain some spirituality as that was one of main goals. This week at school, I even had my students write some school goals and home goals.

So I started writing mine out as I was making breakfast for the fam. I thought I would categorize my resolutions.  By the way, they are not in order of importance.

1. Strive to keep my main counter clean. (I went to my neighbor's house down the street and her counters are always inspires me...)
2. Keep the house picked up.

1. Do my darnedest to attend all meetings. Although I ditched sunday school today and brought the boys home from sacrament because son was feeling ill.
2. Service--give alittle more..I signed up to clean the church this weekend and I already taught son's primary class for his teacher.
3. Read the Book of Mormon. How have I done so far? Haven't even cracked the book but I will tonight before I go to bed.

1. Keep up my grading. As of today it is all done.
2. Do my darnedest to NOT bring any work home. *Note I had to grade all my papers home. Might need to rethink that, eh?
3. Be alittle more creative and do what I plan out to do!

1. More patient to my daughter and son. Even if they gang up on me.
2. Hold Family Home Evening. If you do not know what that is you can go here.
3. Kinder to husband .

1. Give up caffeinated drinks. Yup that's right. I am on the wagon again. Longest time without caffeine 7 months. Let's see if I can beat it.
2. Relax! Trying not to let the little things bother me. This is hard for me as I am a worry wart and always worry about what other people think. Who cares, right? Okay, I am alittle worried.


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