Stuffed animal time

(cute pic, huh?)
The stuffed animal on the right is the newest edition to our Webkinz family. The new animal came as a present from one of my students. I use it as a "class pet". The students have an opportunity to take it to their  home and then they write a creative journal entry in its journal and read to it. It is a very clean animal and so easy to take care in the classroom. So the caterpillar spent the holidays with us.

My own kids fought over it all over Christmas break so we started playing a game....hide n seek. I hid the stuffed animals and the kids had to look for them. They had so much fun looking for them and it was a great way to spend the cold day inside.

After I put son to bed....he comes to me after the 2nd time and says, "Hey Mom, I put my jammies on my dog!" Too cute! Then he fell into a deep sleep and I am not just talking about the dog. :)

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