Our first tooth fairy visit

Last week, we (maybe it was just me as I tend to be impatient) were bothered by son's tooth. It just wouldn't come out! He let us tie a string to it and then we tied the string to the door. I wanted to tie it to a shoe and then throw it over the railing to the basement. Well, whatever...it didn't work. So last night it was literally hanging on but still wouldn't come out. I left for the Blue and Gold Banquet for scouting. Sister and brother played and roughhoused and it got either knocked out or swallowed. I am sad that I missed his tooth coming out.
Look the tooth fairy came!
Close up! That is my finger by the way. He slept peacefully through all my mugshots I sent to relatives.
Yup...there's a gap! Now the other one is a smidge loose!

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