leprechaun traps

This past St. Patty's day, I gave my students the assignment of making a Leprechaun trap. I found it on the internet and I thought it was really a cute idea...So I read them a story about leprechauns on March 1st and then assigned the project...I actually forgot all about it and didn't really think my students would make one until I talked with a parent. She said that her son would not be there to hand it in on the day that it was due and if it was okay if he brought it in on Monday. All of my students except for about 2-3 brought one. The students had a total blast and loved that first graders/kindergarteners came into check them out and see how they work. That was totally unplanned. I think I will do this again next year and invite more classes to come in and check them out. The one that you see above is one that my son and I made at home. The white things have gold in their to entice the leprechaun to get the rest of the loot under the box. The gold is attached to something that would make the box close. Kind of basic and put together at the last minute but it was FUN!.

P.S. I think I had almost all of my 3rd graders really believing that they existed after all was said and done.
P.S.S. I think that I believed a little too!
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