Birthday Bowler

On Friday night, we opted for bowling for my husband's birthday. We had a great time. We haven't bowled since 1997 so it has been a long time. It was great to let off some steam. The kids are getting older and we can do fun things with them. So anyways, we went right after school. Such a nice way to end the week.

 See that contraption behind my boy. He did NOT use that only my daughter did. She loved it. She got a kick out of seeing the bowl going down the lane knocking pins down. It was nice to see her involved in a game. Husband took a bowling class back in college. Me...I just bowl the gutters. I however did not get last place, my daughter did. My son would run and then throw the ball down the center. He even got a strike. It amazed me...and my husband. We had the bumper option for the kids but my son never used them. Needless to say, he beat all of us including husband.

Sorry the pics are icky...cell phone..


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