
I don't have any pictures to post unless a picture of my bum counts....taken by resident son.

I have to blog about my son and his gains. Before school, he never showed any interest in learning and forcing it didnt help either. So..This whole school thing has been a lovely ride so far. He actually loves school even though he has struggled to learn his sounds and letters. I think he likes it because he gets to hang out in my room before and after school with his K buddy. He is improving so much. He does not have to go Title. His report card was fabulous. However, next year, he will be in for a real treat when he has to go every day all day for the rest of his childhood.

So last week we read a book together. I can't even remember the book's name..I had him sound out all the words and he blended a word ALL by himself...his first word..Sam. Yay for him! Keep it up.


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