Vitamin L and the Flintstones

This evening for family home evening, we talked about the love Jesus shows for us and how we need to be kind like him. We read a story from the Friend called Vitamin L. We talked about how we can be kinder to each other and be like Jesus.
So I had Daddy pick up some vitamins for my lesson tonight. After I read the story, I told my kids that every morning, they will get their dose of Vitamin L. Each of the kids ate a vitamin tonight. We had our closing prayer.  As I was getting my son's shower ready, he gave me a huge hug and  told me that he would be nicer to his sister. He continued to tell me that the vitamins are working and they are controlling him to choose the right. My daughter did not quite understand but contined to look through the Friend. Tomorrow morning at breakfast, we will discuss it again. What a nice way to end the day!


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