The race is on!

Nothing like wearing winter coats and jammies for our Easter egg hunt outside before conference this past Sunday. It was around 32 degrees. I hid (threw) 35 eggs all around the yard even the back area by the trampoline. I threw them on the ground to be really noticeable for my daughter but big brother didn't leave them behind for her. What an egg hoarder! Reminds me of my own brother that would get to them before me.

Yup! That's right I had a couple on our trampoline. See that white stuff in the distance. It snowed while we were away for our spring (winter) break.
After they counted up their eggs, they enjoyed them. Daughter takes after me and likes only the white part. However, brother scarfed the whole thing down. yolk and all!
The rest of the day was relaxing. We stayed in our jammies and just enjoyed our family time.


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