Yard fun

I knew I had to get something to cool the kids off this summer. We threw the other one from last summer away. It was a cool pirate boat but kind of lame. I was cleaning the house on Tuesday when I came outside to see some boys including son filling up our empty garbage can with water that we use to cover our sprinker system during the winter. I thought to myself...too dangerous...and...1. I need to get a little pool fast. 2. I better watch the kids better at my house. Good thing my front porch has comfy chairs and shade. I bought a slip n slide to go with the water pool fun. Kind of hard to believe that the age on that little pool is 6 years and up.

My little darlin's idea of jumping in the pool here is slowing getting over each side and then splash around What a girly girl!

Ya..she never lasts long.


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