2nd Annual Huckleberry picking

We decided to head up to Kelly Canyon on Saturday and pick huckleberries. I have no pictures. But..if you want to look at these pics from last year. Have at it...huckleberry 2009 pics...This time it was hot..sweaty hot work. It was also slim pickings where we were. Although two other people have told me that they have gotten two gallons of hucks..big huckleberries. We had no such luck. There were so many cows there though. So much that before we left, I stepped into two piles of steamy squishy cow pies. Not fun. I had to drive barefoot home. I have tried to get it out of my shoes. I have washed them twice. Oh well..atleast my huckleberries are tucked away in the freezer. We might head out for more next weekend..maybe.


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