First Day of School!

Wake up! Sleepy heads, it is your first day. We started our day with eggs, waffles, and turkey bacon..Did I mention eggo waffles? They asked for it. I also did sugar free syrup for Sister Lou!

They don't ride the bus. Thank goodness except for son on an occasional Wednesday to my awesome person that is watching Sister Lou.

Little man and Sister Lou are outside of his classroom, I think. I didn't take these pictures. Husband did. My goal for him this NOT worry and peek in on him less.

Outside her room.
At where she sits....I hope she does well. Last week we had her dr. appt in Boise. I figured that they would be more experienced in the area of Sister Lou. She was diagnosed with PDD-high functioning Autism. I am so worried about her. If anyone knows me, worrying gets the better of me. Hello, it is 3:27am and I am worrying so I don't sleep.
She knows her is the social part that I have a problem with. She is so impressionable and is a follower. I hope she picks good friends. She was going to be in a class without any of her primary friends. I went to talk to her teacher the day before school. She told me that she had 23 kids while the class with her primary friends had 17. She was very overwhelmed and a first year teacher. The princ asked me to switch. I said, "yay". I am glad that she will be with this other teacher as she has a year or two under her belt and seems nice. And her primary friends are in the class. Hopefully I made a good choice for her.

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Amelia said…
I love the idea of taking a picture of them in their beds.

I wandered here from Cjane's blog. It's nice to meet you!

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