So long freckle!

Son had this mysterious freckle appear last year on his thumb. We thought it was a blood blister. During the summer, we put a needle to it and it was not a blood blister. SO we took him to the doctor to get a referral to a dermatologist as I was going to one to get my nose freckle checked and my dry patch of skin on my ankle. I called in for a sub and off we went to the doctor's today. I was told that I was the master in freckles. I have them up and down my arms. Anyway, I was fine and got some nice medicine for my ankle.  But son...wasn't so lucky.
Meet Senor Freckle (above)
They drew a circle around Senor Freckle. Then here comes the part where three of us hold him down so Mr. Needle numbs his thumb. Tears form in me as it hurts me to see him in pain. 

The dr. takes a silver rectangle thing out and he cut it out. Now we wait for a couple days to see if it is cancerous or not. Hopefully not! Poor boy was really traumatized and he was upset about having to wear a bandaid for 14 days. I took him to pick out bandaids and we went to McDonald's with him and his sister. It was nice to stay with them today.


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