1st grade Thanksgiving program

Before the play...he was so excited!

B'sThanksgiving program was sooo cute. It totally brought some tears to my eyes because he did his parts and he was singing. The singing made me so happy because he didn't really do much singing in the primary program. I am so proud of him.  I can't wait to see L's next year. The first part of the play had groups of students telling the Thanksgiving story. This was B's part with other little boys and girls. "The Pilgrims were so thankful. They invited their Indian friends to a Thanksgiving feast." They sang a couple songs. Then a story about Tom Turkey was told and this was his part with more little boys and girls. "Ha ha hee hee, you are the funniest orange turkey I ever did see." I enjoyed this so much. I was so thankful that my class was able to see this program and that the first grade allowed the school to watch. 

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